Why Gladys?
Not too long ago I heard on NPR Radio something along the lines of: "Is it fair to compare someone that loves their work, to someone that doesn’t?" The segment concluded with "it is not."
People that enjoy their work, like me, don't stop working. Our work doesn’t stop at 5 or 6 when we clock out. We are, literally, always thinking about work and how to make it better, when we go to sleep, when we wake up...
This may sound borderline, workaholic, but it isn't. As a famous person once said "Work hard, play hard."
I absolutely love my work! This passion combined with my wide experience in different areas of marketing make me a really unique marketing partner.
I am a Multi-talented Marketer. My decisions and recommendations to clients are strategic and backed by years of experience. I’ve worked on many areas of marketing, and I'm pretty good at it, but when experience fails, I don't hesitate to pick up a book or just plain and simple “Google it”. Just know that with me there is always a way and it will get done.
I'm a Passionate Entrepreneur. I am extremely invested in every project I work on. Whether because of the work of the project, the mission of the company or its people, I select projects based on some type of connection that helps me give it my all. Being an entrepreneur also helps me stay conscious about client’s limited budgets and end goals, which is so important.
I’m an Efficient Project Manager. According to my Marketing DNA "I envision all the possible ways to achieve the outcome, then I put the pieces together and execute the process."
My mixed experience working with several marketing agencies and clients has made me an expert in the creative process for most marketing efforts from a Direct Mail Campaign to a Digital Marketing one. My goal: to always produce projects on time and on budget and to make the most of project stakeholders, from team members to vendors.
I'm a Creative Designer. And I'm not just any type of creative. I produce high quality design with the goal of creating quantifiable results --sales, shares, likes, etc.--. Not only am I able to direct others, but I can also get the work done myself. I am proficient with Adobe Macromedia --InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator-- and an array of other tools and platforms that will help me get the job done: Unbounce, LeadPages, MailChimp, Constant Contact, iMovie, WordPress, TeamWork, Basecamp, etc.
After Food Comes...
Music Makes Me Happy
Artist at heart
Living Colorfully
I Love New York
Life is Truly Beautiful
World Traveler
Spiritual Being
I Love DR
marketing dna
Are we a good match? I’m a...
Systematic Creator
I create best by orchestrating
I work best in situations where the outcome is known but the path to get there is yet to be defined. I envision all the possible ways to achieve the outcome, then I put the pieces together and execute the process. I prefer when my formulas and processes are followed for consistent results.
Video Producer
I'm a TV producer
I'm a TV producer - or close to it. I envision the myriad of steps necessary to tell a complete story with visual elements. I especially embrace the systems and structure that make this possible. I'm keenly aware when something doesn't look quite right, and I'm concerned with the technical aspects of making it happen. I rely on other people to supply story elements and flow, fresh ideas, and context. I'm in the business of making other people look better and I do it very well.
Power Pictures
I create and communicate it visually
I create and communicate it visually. I derive great satisfaction from original, artistic elements that leave a strong first impression on the mind's eye. I admire trailblazing architects, photographers and cinematographers. I love it when art elegantly conveys a powerful message.
Administrative Oprah
My ideal role is managing systems, people and processes
My ideal role is managing systems, people and processes, but I do so with great attention to feelings and connotations. I’m not a cold executor, so in a marketing context I have a deep awareness of what the customer experience feels like. In concert with analytical people, I add flesh and softness to what would otherwise be a sterile-feeling environment. I massage raw ideas into fully mature, finished works.