Stop Missing Out, You Can Learn To Be More Confident

I’m one of those people that has no regrets about life. The way I see it, every experience and decision I’ve taken has made me who I am today…And I am pretty happy with where I’m at…

I’m one of those people that has no regrets about life. The way I see it, every experience and decision I’ve taken has made me who I am today…And I am pretty happy with where I’m at. There is one thing, however, that I do regret, and that is my lack of self-confidence. Every time I think about all the things I’ve missed out on, whether work, friendships, business opportunities, I can’t help, but have a feeling of regret. I would definitely be much further in life.

What makes some people more confident than others? Is it their upbringing? Is it just just a personality trait? How about both? Not long ago, I ran into the book The Confidence Gap by Ross Harris. In the book Harris explains where our lack confidence stems from and ways to help overcome it. I definitely recommend the book. In the meanwhile, watch this video I put together.


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